четверг, 14 октября 2010 г.

How To Gain A Work-Life Balance for a perfect English language teacher.

A work life balance is essential to being a successful and happy teacher. New teachers need to establish priorities early in the year and stick to them.
Teaching is a profession that one could spend virtually hours upon hours working at every day, all day long – 365 days a year and still never be truly finished of.
It’s not actually that difficult to have a work life balance – no matter what the profession. The trick is simple: Establishing priorities.
Establishing priorities early on can help to alleviate some of the stress associated with the teaching profession.
Everyone wants to have a successful career, but realize that work isn't everything.
Set reasonable hours early on. Teachers often work, work, work because they feel they have to. They do not get paid for these extra hours, and this must be kept in mind.
Keep time with family and friends work free. Do not try to multi-task all of the time. This usually leads to annoyed friends, neglected children and spouses and frustrated teachers. Keep time for loved ones free from school work whenever possible. This may mean waiting until bedtime to correct papers, or staying after school to finish up planning. Time is at a premium, don't waste it.
If you have children at the beginning it will be difficult to divide the time between work and a family. Therefore it is necessary to operate under accurately formulated plan which will facilitate your life. And when children grow up, you will be able to involve them in your interests. Also it concerns the husband. He should be interested in your work because the general interests pull together.
Work-life balance is essentially about choice and flexibility, balancing life and work, balancing the needs of the school and members and creating the best environment for performance and job satisfaction.

1 комментарий:

  1. I have found many good advices in this article for learning the foreign language. And I agree that the main is motivation- a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards that goal.I consider that it is one of the main elements that determine success in developing a second or foreign language; it determines the extent of active, personal involvement in English learning.In order for the child to be motivated, parents and teachers need to challenge his abilities, but NOT present material or information that is too far beyond the child's level.Students need to have positive and realistic role models who demonstrate the value of being proficient in more than one language.
    Support from home is very important for students' motivation to learn a second language. If parents value both the native language and English, communicate with their children in whichever language is most comfortable, and show support for and interest in their children's progress, the children will definitely be more motivated to learn the second language.In order for the students to be motivated, the learning environment needs to be free from axiety.In order for him to speak, he needs to feel he will be heard and that what he is saying is worth hearing.Teachers can help students improve motivation by showing that English learning can be an exciting mental challenge, a career enhancer, a vehicle to cultural awareness and friendship and a key to world peace.
