понедельник, 25 октября 2010 г.

The Haunted House on Scary Street

One time on a dark and stormy Halloween night
a boy named Nick stepped in a house with no way
out of it. This whole thing happened when Nick
saw this strange house every time he walked home
from school. The thing that made Nick curious
was that it was on Scary Street which seemed odd.
Since Nick saw that house every day he always
wanted to see inside of it but the drapes of the
windows blocked everything in the house. 
At school Nick always wondered what was in the house and
did not pay attention in class.

His grades were dropping so his parents
talked to him about how school was
important and wanted to find out why his
grades were so bad.
Nick explained to his parents all about
the house and how it took his mind off of
school work. However, they did not
believe him. To help his parents believe
him he went through the whole story.
This is how the story began. Nick was
walking home from school and in a split
second all kinds of clouds darkened the
sky which created a huge storm.
Nick was looking for shelter but all he saw was
the abandoned house he daydreamed about.
Since the house was all that was around he knocked on the front door and the door creaked open. Nick went inside and the floor creaked
 below him. All of a sudden the door slammed
closed behind him and he heard it lock. Then, the
windows and other doors closed. Since it was
raining outside, Nick ignored the doors and
windows and went inside to explore.
When Nick went deeper into the house he
yelled, “Hello is anybody here?”, but nobody
 All of a sudden a noise came from the kitchen that
sounded like a dropping of something. When Nick
got to the kitchen he saw a person with three eyes that
looked like a Zombie. Nick was paralyzed for a
moment as the monstrous person stared at him. He
started to run for the front door. Since the door was
locked and the monstrous person was coming straight
towards him, Nick yelled as loud as he could for help
but nobody outside heard him. Once he saw the
monstrous person come close to him, Nick found a
big hole in the wall.
  Since the hole was not big enough to go
through he started to break the wood open to go
through. Once the hole was big enough he went
through and the big, scary person did not seem to
want to follow him outside. After that he rushed
home and never spoke of the house again. He
found a new way to get home bypassing the
After hearing this story, Nick’s parents
understood why he could not concentrate in school. From this day on, Nick did better in
school. He stopped daydreaming about he house
and got serious about his school work.

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