четверг, 17 февраля 2011 г.

What Does Friendship Mean in Your Life?

 Friendship development is a very important part of society, culture, and life. Without friends where are you? What can you accomplish? Some people surround themselves with friends, while others believe that they do not need any and that they can make it on their own. Despite what some people believe friendship development is necessary!

Friendship is key to being happy and living longer, believe it or not. Because with friends, you are more likely to try new things and do things together with them that you would not do alone.
Life can be lonely and having a good friend can make all the difference in the world. It really is true that to have a good friend, one must be a good friend. Best friends are without a doubt some of the most special people around for us.

It's been often said that a best friend is your soul mate. Soul mates are also two people tied together by spirituality like no other. Best friends are for life. But a soul mate is eternal.
Casual friends come and go. We find them at work, at school and in many different walks of life. Casual friends are important because there aren't any emotions involved in a casual friend. Have you ever heard the saying that "you always hurt the one you love". Well, it's true. Because a true friend is a person you care deeply about and in trying to help them, sometimes, we hurt them.

I can count on just one hand the number of people I love in this world more than life itself. They have been true friends to me throughout my entire life and no matter what happens they will always be loved by me and I will always be loved by them.
I have a friend, a romantic friend, which I keep in touch with through email and the occasional package or letter. This friend was someone I knew in school, who I was truly fond of, sort of dated, and then fell out of touch with him after he moved on in life. Recently we have gotten back in touch due to the power of the internet, and although I do not have a romantic relationship with him, he's most certainly a romantic friend.
 If you want to keep a good friend, avoid one of the pitfalls that happen with many friendships. Inevitably, one of you will find that “special someone”. If this happens to you and you want to keep yore friend, you must take care to never ignore your friend. Men, women, dates and relationships will come and go; your friendship should surpass all of this and remain intact no matter what. Many people have found that they ignore a friend once they find a relationship, and then when that relations ends they want their friend back. Then, they find their friend is gone. A good friend needs respect, caring and kindness. You should think of your friend on holidays and especially their birthday. You should be there when they are sad and need a shoulder to cry on. You should do favors for your friend, knowing that you may need a favor someday. And most importantly, never take a good friend for granted because a true good friend is hard to find.

4 комментария:

  1. I can't but agree
    Friendship is the most wonderful gift

  2. I share you reflections)
    Friendship is like air that we breethe. We take it just for granted, but if it disappears, what schall we do?

  3. It was impossible before to get back in touch your friend due to the power of Internet. But today it may be so. True friendship really is a great gift of fate

  4. a good friend is like an umbrella, he is close when it is day time and always with you when it's raining.
