четверг, 24 февраля 2011 г.

The Teacher's Choice:Permissiveness or Authority?

Most of us have had at least one really great teacher and one with whom we couldn't find the common language. We all know what qualities we like and expect in a teacher and judge every representative of this profession being guided by our personal criteria. So what kind of the teaching style is ideal? Should it be authoritarian or permissive?
The authoritarian teacher is often described by students as a screamer. This teacher expects children to obey and when they do not, this type of teacher has little management abilities beyond constant yelling at the students to get them back in line. Very little is allowed past this teacher as every little infraction is caught and disciplined. Students may obey this teacher but mostly out of fear, and the teacher will blame the discipline problems in class on the students.
The permissive teacher is one who really just wants to be friends with her students. She may plead with students to raise their hand or follow other simple rules, but does not have a firm discipline plan in place. While students may say they like this type of teacher, when it comes down to a difficulty, students know that the teacher will not take care of a problem and will often try to take matters into their own hands as a result.
The most important things you need to do to be a good teacher are being patient and get the subject across to your pupils. In other words explain everything well, and don't assume if someone doesn't understand they either should because you do or that they were not listening as it is not there fault.
It also doesn't help if instead of explaining better you just shout or say the same explanation louder than the time before.
The teacher should be the one who has an orderly classroom, a strong discipline plan and is caring and supportive. Students respect this teacher and know that they can go to her with problems of any kind no matter how big or small. While this style of teaching is ideal, it can be difficult to achieve.Teachers need to spend time regularly reviewing their teaching style, after all the work of the teacher - it is a real art.

Outstanding People and Outstanding Abilities

As a baby, Daniel Tammet cried constantly and banged his head against the wall. His parents were frantic but all doctors could suggest was that he was understimulated. One afternoon when he was four, an accident changed the way Daniel thought forever. While playing with his brother in the living room he suffered a series of epileptic seizures which transformed his brain chemistry, giving him the gift of synaesthesia. This condition occurs when the parts of the brain responsible for different areas of perception get mixed up. Brain scans of autistic savants suggest that the right hemisphere might be compensating for damage in the left hemisphere. While many savants struggle with language and comprehension - skills associated primarily with the left hemisphere - they often have amazing skills in mathematics and memory - primarily right hemisphere skills. Daniel began to respond emotionally to numbers, which he started to see as complex, beautiful shapes and textures.

Daniel Tammet is an amazing person! Tammet can learn new languages very quickly, he speaks ten languages including: English, Spanish, French, German, Finnish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Icelandic, Welsh, and Esperanto. Oh, I dream to possess such abilities. That is why I like this man and his abilities.

суббота, 19 февраля 2011 г.

Modern IT (Internet Technologies) in EFL teaching

EFL teaching methodology has been debated for many years, but the benefits of technology can bring to the classrooms are only just beginning to be discovered. There are many uses of technology in the classroom.
Successful communication learning is dependent on the student's desire to participate. I'm sure most teachers are familiar with students who complain about poor speaking and communication skills, which however, when asked to communicate, are often reluctant to do so.
Many English teachers do not use or are not able to use technologies in teaching. However, there are some of them are active and seek for new methods and modern trend technologies in teaching. Most students don’t like to study English because of its difficulty and the unfamiliar custom in their daily lives. As English subject period comes, it means boring time for them arrives. Some of them, in that time, talk, some sleep and some do other subjects homework. It s the main problem of general English teachers. They do not just teach English only but they have to manage classroom conditions also. One way to attract students in studying English is using technologies such as internet, computer programs, videos and online lessons. They can make students more interesting. They could feel that English is not boring but interesting and fun. It also results to higher scores and achievement. The students can practice all four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing with the program. I think it is very important to teach English wit new technologies. Moreover, the more important is the teachers have to be tecnologypersons first and they have to seek and search for new teaching methods from several sources.
One way to use computers for English Language Learners is to teach vocabulary. Students need to learn vocabulary in context and with visual clues to help them understand. Computers can provide this rich, contextual environment. I think, computers can incorporate various learning strategies as well as accommodate a variety of learning styles.
Students can operate computer in learning process that can enhance them to learn freely. It can be a useful instrument in teaching because it can provide virtual, realistic picture and also animations using computer in the classroom.
I think, this a good way to apply technology in the EFL classroom because there are many advantages for the classroom.



четверг, 17 февраля 2011 г.

What Does Friendship Mean in Your Life?

 Friendship development is a very important part of society, culture, and life. Without friends where are you? What can you accomplish? Some people surround themselves with friends, while others believe that they do not need any and that they can make it on their own. Despite what some people believe friendship development is necessary!

Friendship is key to being happy and living longer, believe it or not. Because with friends, you are more likely to try new things and do things together with them that you would not do alone.
Life can be lonely and having a good friend can make all the difference in the world. It really is true that to have a good friend, one must be a good friend. Best friends are without a doubt some of the most special people around for us.

It's been often said that a best friend is your soul mate. Soul mates are also two people tied together by spirituality like no other. Best friends are for life. But a soul mate is eternal.
Casual friends come and go. We find them at work, at school and in many different walks of life. Casual friends are important because there aren't any emotions involved in a casual friend. Have you ever heard the saying that "you always hurt the one you love". Well, it's true. Because a true friend is a person you care deeply about and in trying to help them, sometimes, we hurt them.

I can count on just one hand the number of people I love in this world more than life itself. They have been true friends to me throughout my entire life and no matter what happens they will always be loved by me and I will always be loved by them.
I have a friend, a romantic friend, which I keep in touch with through email and the occasional package or letter. This friend was someone I knew in school, who I was truly fond of, sort of dated, and then fell out of touch with him after he moved on in life. Recently we have gotten back in touch due to the power of the internet, and although I do not have a romantic relationship with him, he's most certainly a romantic friend.
 If you want to keep a good friend, avoid one of the pitfalls that happen with many friendships. Inevitably, one of you will find that “special someone”. If this happens to you and you want to keep yore friend, you must take care to never ignore your friend. Men, women, dates and relationships will come and go; your friendship should surpass all of this and remain intact no matter what. Many people have found that they ignore a friend once they find a relationship, and then when that relations ends they want their friend back. Then, they find their friend is gone. A good friend needs respect, caring and kindness. You should think of your friend on holidays and especially their birthday. You should be there when they are sad and need a shoulder to cry on. You should do favors for your friend, knowing that you may need a favor someday. And most importantly, never take a good friend for granted because a true good friend is hard to find.

Love Story for Valentines Day

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in the UK, and one day a new family moved in to the street, where upon the girl fell in love with the boy of the family – she was 9 he was 11. The girl also made best friends with his sister. After 3 years the family decided to emigrate to Australia…the girl was devasted, she told her mum that the boy was going to be her husband one day as she loved him. Her mum told her not to be so silly as girls of 9 or 10 don’t fall in love.

The family went to Australia and the two girls continued to write to each as pen pals. The girl dated many other suitors whom she liked but she never forgot her first love who also gave her her first Valentines Day card, which she still keeps in a box with a ribbon.

Many years passed and the boy decided to come to the UK on a holiday with his sister and wrote many letters to the girl telling her he would visit one day.

Then one day, true to his word he arrived in a white car and as their eyes met in the girls home they both ‘knew’ that they liked each other. They saw each other as often as they could but they still hadn’t said anything to each other as to how they were feeling.

After 3 weeks of holidays there in the UK the boy proposed to the girl who said «Yes! Yes! Yes….and then the boy had to go back to Australia. They had a wonderful engagement and a big party and her family loved the boy whom they knew and liked before he had emigrated. The boy then left to go back to work in the bush for a year while the girl prepared for the wedding.

A year later the boy and his whole family came back to the UK and they had a lovely wedding, and after the wedding the girl said a tearful and sad good bye to her family and moved to live in Australia with the man of her dreams. Her parents were very sad as she was their only child, but happy that she and the boy were happy, married and in love ……………….
 And they lived happily ever after.

Wishing you all a wonderful Valentines Day with the man in YOUR life!


True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally.
True love speaks in tender tones
And hears with gentle ear.

True love gives with open heart
And true love conquers fear.
And true love holds with gentle hands
The hearts that it entwines.

Every day my heart beats for you;
Every moment I am moved by you;
Every second I am concerned about you.
I feel so good to be with you!

It is Love that gives me purpose
to change and grow and learn.
It is Love that guides me on this path
and helps me choose each turn.

It is Love that gives me courage
to stand against my fears;
to open up my heart to you,
to let you see my tears.

It is Love that gives me trust and hope
when little thing go wrong.
When distance stands between us,
it is Love that keeps me strong.

It is Love that offers harmony
and a friendship that is true.
How wonderful that I can share
a Love like this with you!